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Bury Blues OSC has a zero-tolerance policy regarding the misuse of tickets acquired through the supporters’ club. Tickets must be used by the person who applied via Bury Blues. This means the passing of tickets to others, both members and non-members, is strictly prohibited unless in exceptional circumstances when permission has been granted by the Bury Blues committee.

Should you be unable to attend a game after being allocated a ticket, you must inform the Ticketing Secretary at the earliest convenience. This ticket will then be reallocated to another member, who most likely will be on a waiting list for the game in question. Tickets must not be passed to fellow members without the explicit permission of the Ticketing Secretary.

Should any member be found to have breached these rules, the punishment will be as follows:

· First offence = The member will be banned from applying for the next three games.

· Second offence = The member will have their meeting attendance points reduced by 50%.

· Third offence = The member will receive a lifetime ban on applying for tickets via Bury Blues.


Bury Blues seasonal membership is subject to the above.

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